Anyone who spent time making art during the Covid-19 lockdowns of 2020 and early 2021 is invited to enter their work for an exhibition to be shown at Peterborough Cathedral from 21st January to 18th February 2022.
The idea of the ‘Made in Lockdown’ exhibition is to look back at our experience of those lockdowns and to focus on the creativity that came to the fore. Many people were inspired to take up art activities then, and this is their opportunity to show that work. Art work made in response to the current Covid situation will also be considered.
The kind of art works that the exhibition might include range from drawings, paintings, prints and collages, through to textiles or ceramics, provided that they fit the size required and are ready to hang. Three-dimensional works up to a specified size may also be entered.
Artists will need to read the exhibition’s full Terms and Conditions of Entry before putting their work forward. It is free to enter and completed entry forms, with a photograph of the art work, are needed by the deadline of Monday 10th January 2022. Exhibiting artists will then be contacted and asked to deliver their work to the Cathedral on the morning of Saturday 15th January or during the day on Monday 17th January.
The Very Revd Chris Dalliston, Dean of Peterborough, said:
“I hope that this exhibition will demonstrate that when it comes to the pandemic we are all in this together. Many of the art works will have been made in isolation, but by sharing these different viewpoints we can begin to break down that isolation and encourage one another. As we enter the new year it’s a good opportunity look for a new perspective - seeing your art work in the vast space of the Cathedral could be a way to do that. I would encourage anyone to enter. Resist the temptation to throw out your lockdown drawings in a new year spring clean!”
The exhibition is supported by a Near Neighbours Partner Grant, under the Covid Relief Funding called ‘Surge’.
Full details of how to enter are on the Cathedral website here: www.peterborough-cathedral.org.uk/exhibition.aspx.